Fanii îl denunță pe Gigi la UEFA! **Scrisoare deschisă către Platini!

Fanii îl denunță pe Gigi la UEFA! **Scrisoare deschisă către Platini!
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Fanii steliști au interzis la Steaua – Fenerbahce, Gigi Becali
anulând toate abonamentele și întocmind o bază de date prin care
suporterii au fost interziși la meciurile din Ghencea.

Așa cum ProSport v-a anunțat, strictețea cu care s-au
comercializat biletele pentru Steaua – Fenerbahce va ține la
porțile stadionului din Ghencea mai mulți suporteri vechi de-ai
roș-albaștrilor. Printre ei se află și invalizi, pensionari sau
cadre din Poliție, care nu aveau cum să provoace incidente, dar
care se regăsesc pe ‘lista lui Gigi’.

După ce AISS (Asocația Independentă a Suporterilor Steliști) a
emis un comunicat prin care indică pașii ce trebuie urmați ca
suporterii să se adreseze ANPC (Autoritatea Națională pentru
Protecția Consumatorilor), aceasta duce rzboiul cu latifundiarul la
un alt nivel.

În încercarea de a semnala și a opri abuzurile pe care
conducerea din Ghencea le-a făcut, AISS a trimis o scrisoare
deschisă către UEFA și Michel Platini prin care explică măsurile
fără precedent luate de Becali.

„Eu am cea mai
mare calitate să interzic oameni pe stadion! Eu sunt Jandarmeria,
eu sunt Poliția!”,
Gigi Becali, finanțator

Vă prezentăm mai jos, integral, scrisoarea

Bucharest, 21.10.2009

To the attention of Mr. Michel Platini, UEFA President,

Dear Sir,

This open letter was sent to you on behalf of the official
Supporters’ Association (AISS) of Steaua Football Club Bucharest
and of the official Steaua supporters’ site (

Founded in 2006 and being the first – and only – official
association of Steaua Bucharest football supporters, AISS (the
Independent Association of Steaua Supporters) brings together
Steaua fans from all over Romania, as well as Europe and the United
States, and is committed to promoting through its actions such
football values as respect, diversity and a fair-play attitude
towards the game.

Founded in 2001, the official supporters’ site –
-gathers over 40.000 registered fans from all over the world, being
a steady source of information for all Steaua fans, as well as a
way of communication for people sharing the same values and passion
for our club.

We address to you, Mr. Platini, and UEFA in general, in order to
underline the discrimination and illegal conduct against over 3000
Steaua supporters in relation with both UEFA Europa League games
and domestic league home games. To be more specific, following the
supporters’ protests against him, the club owner, George Becali,
decided to forbid the access on the stadium to all the subscribed
supporters (over 3000 persons), by refusing to sell them tickets to
Steaua Bucharest – Fenerbahce Istanbul game, on 22.10.2010, in the
UEFA Europa League. George Becali promised to continue to apply the
same measures for all UEFA competitions.
These actions were taken against ALL THE SUPPORTERS, even against
elder people (men and women) or physically impaired persons who,
without any grounding or motivation, were treated as „anti-social
elements” and „hooligans” and turned down when they came to the
booking office to buy tickets to the game. But George Becali acts
like that every single day, making a show of controversial up to
extreme, dictatorship manners and ideas in contempt of any good
sense, good reason, good will – to say nothing of good advice – and
moreover Laws and Regulations.
This decision was widely commented in the Romanian press and
television, which underlined its illegal and incorrect aspects and
presented interviews with such persons, some of whom in
wheelchairs, turned away from the booking offices and kept outside
the stadium, although holders of valid subscription cards.
Instead, free tickets were offered to the members of the club
owner’s political party (thus conditioning the entrance to the game
by the political preferences of a certain person). Yesterday,
however, realizing the potential electoral impact that absurd
decision could have, George Becali reconsidered his decision and
offered free tickets to elders, impaired people and
school-children, as well, as a sort of electoral charity to save
face in extremis. (Yet, as far as we know UEFA Regulations forbid
distribution of free tickets at European League games).
To note that the presidential campaign is under way now in Romania
and Steaua’s current club owner runs as one of the candidates. The
implication is that protests against him are considered to be a
harmful action for his so said election.
In our opinion, politics should be kept out of the football field
and competition and discriminating people on grounds of political
beliefs should not be a way for a club to act before an
international or UEFA Europa League or any other game, for that
To mention that the kind of behavior described above is only the
last piece from a series of racist and discriminating acts
conducted by the club’s current owner, George Becali, including but
not limited to firing club employees because of their religious
creed (a public declaration was made by George Becali that Yuksel
Yesilova was fired because he was a Muslim and an official
complaint was presented to FIFA on this issue; in the same line; in
the same line, Becali’s intention to have the orthodox cross
inserted on the team shirts, an idea he gave up due to pressure
from the press and Romanian Football Federation), or because of
their national origins (Klemi Saban, another ex-player, was sacked
because he was a Jew; Ladislau Bölöni, a living hero of the Steaua
winning team 1986 Champions League and current head coach of
Standard Liege, was called dirty names for being an ethnic Magyar
born in Romania; again in a public declaration – supporters of the
Romanian team Rapid Bucharest were not to attend a game on Ghencea
Stadium because, quote, „they are just a bunch of gypsies”).

We address UEFA as the organization that always kept racism and
discrimination out of football, most respectfully requiring from
you and UEFA to take action and stop these abuses, to contribute to
bring back the joy of the game to the supporters and not to allow
football clubs to empty the stadiums for some owner’s political,
selfish purposes or discriminating and racist conduct on grounds of
religion, nationality or skin color. Nobody wants an empty, silent
stadium and we consider that it is in the interest of both UEFA and
football in general that this kind of measures be taken only in
extreme cases and only on strict, individual basis, not by
massively banning thousands of supporters out of the stadium.

Let us keep politics out of football and let us concentrate on
bringing people to the games, not on devising ways to keep them out
and away of the stadium gates. Let us RESPECT the ones for whom
this game was created – the Supporters.

Thank you for your attention.
Most respectfully yours
Independent Association of Steaua Supporters –
Official Steaua Bucharest fansite –

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